Friday, August 8, 2008

Invisible fence?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that this fence (that you probably didn't see right away, keep looking) is not safe for most horses, and especially not young foals.

This is two strands of a lightweight electric wire fence.

When I first saw the original photo (which includes a lovely and very pregnant mare) on a public message board, I expressed my concern that, as-is, this fence is not safe for a young foal.

My concern was not exceptionally well received by all members of that Web community.

I understand that replacing fence is not always an option. Regardless, if nothing else, the existing fence could be tightened and marked with colorful tape or cloth to increase safety and visibility. I believe that when all was said and done, this is what happened, and I hope mare and foal remain safe.


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